
Why I Don’t Want Ben Carson To Win The US Presidency

OK I’ll confess, my article title was designed to get you reading, as in a better world I would love Ben Carson – i.e someone with some morality and that loves God to be president of the United States of America. With Ben Carson it’s possible he could once again make America great if he reinstalled the 10 commandments in every home, school, textbook, law court, workplace and church – yes church! But this would cause a huge problem for Ben – it simply would not be allowed by the real powers that be – the real powers behind the US presidential throne.

You see there is nothing worse than seeing a real man of God have to cave in to pressures of life and particularly the evils of political correctness, and end up having to go against his better judgement, conscience, will and what he knows to be right in his heart – and end up doing what’s wrong. It’s bad enough seeing secular people having to do this but it’s especially gut wrenching when it happens to Christians.

The pressure to not do what’s right could be too much for someone like Ben Carson

Well this is exactly what will happen to man of God Ben Carson if he ever gets into office – (and the same goes for Mike Hukabee and other upstanding people). Unfortunately in this world – nice guys do come last (don’t listen to Joel Osteen – look at Jesus – the man with no pillow to lay his head and yet he was and will be king of the universe!) and when they are coming first – generally it’s because they are breaking the rules like everyone else and not usually just down to hard work – granted and greatfully there are exceptions.

To me, being a Christian is about leaning to live life on what is not a level playing field and if possible surviving, but more importantly that succeeding on this earth in the eyes of men, making it into the kingdom really worth fighting for – heaven. If you get into a fight with a non-believer you can bet you are going lose unless you start playing by their rules – which when push comes to shove means no rules. So I would rather someone with a less sensitive conscience get into power and put the USA back on track. Someone really tough and not bought and paid for by big campaign donors like 99.99% modern politicians unfortunately are.

Better to let the hard men like Donald Trump get in the ring and not have to violate his conscience doing what presidents do, and hope that he at some point really comes to know the Lord. Jesus was not political – he made that very clear but not to vote for someone that really could make America safer and a place where freedom really exists for at least a bit longer – is the world’s best hop I think.

We have a HUGE problem on our hands with the redefining of western civilisation and culture coming from the Middle East that needs to be dealt with now and not with kid-gloves if we have any hope of putting off what we know from The Bible is coming at some point. Ben Carson will be eaten alive I believe if he even starts to re-introduce real Christian values into America – it’s too far gone for that.

No – the only thing worth trying this late in the game is letting someone with the whatsits to not cave to political correctness who perhaps may be able to remove at least some of the scales and blinders from the people of the US and elsewhere’s eyes, to what people like Obama and socialists all around the globe have for years been working towards – a single world economic, political and religious system under which we are the ‘equal’ surfs and they are the more equal rulers over us.

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