
Why I Am Not Voting Today

Forgive my bad writing – I did this in 10 minutes.

First off I think it’s very important for Christians to vote where possible to keep as far as possible a society where there is enough freedom to spread God’s message. But I think we may soon have reached the end of this freedom having discarded the bible and the inevitable inoculation from lies it gives any a people or nation. However…

I keep hearing about ‘tactical’ voting – as if it’s the intelligent thing to do. In this case it’s like voting for three alcoholics because one is worse than the other. If the choice was Hitler or Corbyn I’d vote Corbyn because it might spare all the weak in society – but it’s nothing like that – we have a bunch of children. In any case we know Jeremy’s going to reach deep into other people’s pockets to look after the weak instead of help get them up to his level the proper way (we are all called to reach into our own pockets – not expect the state to do it).

So the candidates…

Jeremy Corbyn is weak, nothing like a leader, believes in socialism (Judas was the first socialist when he said; “here – the money for that perfume could be used much better elsewhere than at the feet of the son of God!”) Socialism is watered down communism – a foolish idea and always bings about less prosperity and freedom for a nation and when full blown is a disaster – 1000 times greater than allowing people to create their own enterprises has ever been – and of course Jeremy has no fear of God whatsoever so Im not giving him my vote. God-fearing rating; 0%. Flip-flip rating 70%.

Jo Swinton is like a schoolgirl – “he’s bad – we’re good” is all I hear from her – “and if we get in we’ll be able to overturn the people’s vote.” Fine – then you’re not getting mine. God-fearing rating; unknown. Flip-flip rating 80%.

Boris Johnson – remainer let’s not forget – and is as trustworthy as… well – NOT. He’s a career politician. Will do anything to get elected. He’s very clever – nearly a leader if he wasn’t such a wanton idiot. He’s what I think you could call in intelligent fool and not who I want running the country. God-fearing rating; unknown. Flip-flip rating 100%.

Nigel Farage – unusually honest as far as politicians go because he did not want to be one. He is not desperate to climb the greasy pole and will not do anything to do so. But he had blind spots – one was assuming the Brexit would happen. I knew as I walked away from the booth it would never happen even if we won the vote – so am I clever? No – call it The holy Spirit. God-fearing rating; fence-sitter%. Flip-flip rating 10%. Naivety rating: 70% (left his leave party thinking his job was over when he should have seen it through to the end and would have swept into power).

Peter Hitchens thinks same as me apparently – though am not surprised. He stopped voting in his 30’s for the same reason I never voted at all until I though I had clear choice to do some good (leave EU and be a free nation) and not just feed the problem with my vote. That said I will vote in a heartbeat if I ever see a mature candidate with a spine.

Basically by giving a vote to either sets of such obvious liars we consent to endless dishonest governors – so in my daft view I don’t believe ‘tactical’ voting will help the country – and make things worse long run. If the choice was Hitler or Corbyn I’d vote Corbyn to spare the weak – but Corbyn is giving everything away free for the votes so not a worry.

It’s like voting for three alcoholics – I’m not going to encourage them by giving them more liquor in the form of my vote

Bible is very clear about this;

If my people will turn back to me I will heal their land” – NOT –  “If my politicians….” So having lived off the promised freedom and inevitable prosperity the bible’s wisdom (not clever politicians) has given western nations (because the 10 commandments widely known (eg Thou shalt not bear false witness/covet which seem to be biggest problems) leaders are held to higher standard) – and now thrown out this inoculation – we can no longer detect truth from lies. Bible clearly says; if a person or nations do not thirst after truth – He (God) will send strong delusion” in it’s place as just judgment – that’s very serious but perfectly fair – and confusion is what we have in all areas of life now.

I was going to ‘tactically’ vote Farage – as not being interested in climbing the political ladder he has modicum of honesty and might displace the children – but with no hope of that now I cannot vote with good conscience.

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