
Why God Has Not Provided Enough Evidence for Creationism?

Was I a little disingenuous to title the article this way to get your attention using creationism and not enough evidence in the same sentence? Perhaps. But the answer or rather the question in the title only stands as true if indeed God has not provided enough evidence – and of course he has!

Question; if God has not provided enough evidence to prove that he may indeed exist… what kind of substance, animal, planet, star, galaxy, cosmic would he have had to create to get your attention enough to think that he may in fact exist? Unless of course you are suggesting he left his notepad out for us to peruse over?

I believe God would have been very daft indeed to give us more evidence other than natural, and only an idiot would expect him to have left a note explaining how and why he created everything (and if He did they would no doubt mock this also as the work of a faker) God clearly isn’t stupid, and clearly will not be mocked.

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