
Why Christian Children Should Never Be Allowed to Watch or Read Harry ‘Hogwash’ Potter

Personally I think Harry Potter is a load of utter gibberish – total hog-wart hogwash. Sorry, I don’t care if that makes me unpopular unlike Harry, or makes me sounds like a kill-joy, or like I am either bitter or jealous – neither of which would be true since I am scared to death (literally) of leading people away from the light which is bad enough – but leading children away from it is something else entirely in God’s book (by the way – His book is infinitely more interesting, powerful – awe inspiring and life changing than dumb Hogwarts and spells will ever be).harrry potter gibberish

But seriously – this stuff is dreadful. It’s much more than just light-hearted entertainment as one would suppose from reading the cover. It’s full of underlying and subliminal messages that wether meant to be serious or not – will be taken seriously. It conditions our kids to lie, and believe they actually can gain power over their friends, relatives and enemies by doing so. And that doing so is justified.

And the author using the profits to sponsor all sorts of ‘good causes’ is no better that the bent Lottery – or should I say legalised gambling fund that puts millions of poor people in bondage hoping to become rich, having no clue just how low the odds of winning really are. It gives the whole thing a clean whitewashed veneer when in reality the whole thing stinks and is dark, morbid and just horrible for kids to be reading.Screen Shot 2015-10-10 at 18.24.51

You think this is over the top? Can you imagine our Lord recommending our kids read this like many pastors encourage it – having no realisation or perhaps ignoring the fact that it is all about the one thing that God really does find abominable – sorcery and consulting other entities – imagined (as most are) or not to gain an advantage and power over your fellow man. How horrible is it to be encouraging our kids to be secretive, lie and that there is no such thing as evil – “only power.”  But don’t take my word for it – listen to God’s. Watch the full sermon that inspired my short article and moan about this stuff here;

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