
What’s So Special About Britain?

We are constantly told we in Britain are ‘Little Englanders’ – like beer swiling pot-bellied imps or creatures out of the Hobbit that don’t like change – scared little creatures averse to all things foreign and love nothing more than to live in the past and moan about what our politicians are so kindly arranging for us behind our backs. We should just shut-up and start giving everything that our sons and daughters fought for over hundreds of years away – after all we stole everything we have we are told. As if freedom is the normative state of mankind and societies around the world – and the ever-dwindling freedoms we have left just evolved because we like being nice to one another and in the olden days we just… well – didn’t. And in any case – who are we to think we are better than everyone else in other nations?!

But wait… we never said we love Britain because we are somehow better than outsiders – or claimed we gained all our wealth in legitimate ways (what person or nation ever who does?) or that we don’t like outsiders coming to our countries as we are portrayed falsely daily by those who don’t like what we have or our way of living – and feel it’s high time this arrogant little country was divided up and shared amongst other more deserving nations.

Well friends this is all baloney. Why don’t they ask us why are we really concerned about whats happening to our country at the hands of people inside and outside that under their friendly veneers have no love for it whatsoever? Because we will answer with none of the accusations they make of us. Britains form of democratic government is good (in terms of freedom compared to others around the world) – and Americas’ (which is a republic – modelled on and an improvement on ours) is better.

So then – what is really so special about Britain? Here’s what… (and when you’ve watched it you will understand why those that are pro-EU are making sure our children are NOT taught about our constitution and how we painfully and slowly gained freedom from tyrannical Kings and governments as ALL Americans once were taught in their schools (and no longer as you can imagine)).

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