
Salt of The Earth

We often hear the phrase ‘salt of the earth‘ and I like many others have always thought it meant that we as Christians in the world add some kind of ‘richness’ to society as if it is comparable with cooking with salt. Whilst this will undoubtedly be one of the by-products of Christianity and it’s principles pervading society (we only have to see what happened to the barbaric behaviour of people in the Dark Ages when no one – both the masses and the elite in positions of power, had access to and was forbidden to read The Bible by the church power of that time).

But this phrase ‘salt of the earth‘ in The Bible was not only meant to describe a ‘favouring’ or seasoning that as it might appear from reading the book of Matthew, but when you read Luke (we must always compare scripture to get the meaning of things) we realise that what Jesus is taking about is salt as a fertiliser and as a disinfectant – to make good things grow and stop bad things spreading!

We as Christians by diligently trying to keep the commandments of God (not in order to be saved but because we love truth and righteousness – remember even in the Old Testament righteousness was attributed to Abraham because of his faith – because he believed God and in God’s goodness – not because he was ‘good’ (the outworking of his faith was followed by his deeds/actions)) will have the automatic effect of ‘cleaning’ and keeping society free from darkness and allowing light to spread and affect everything and everyone from the law to other people’s behaviour! We all know the phrase, bad company corrupts good character – so good character disinfects things, people, societies and cultures that are plagued by bad behaviour, adulteration and corruption.

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