
The Problem With Politics… is Politics!

They say the worst politicians are those that want to become ones. Why?.. because even the word ‘politics’ has connotations – if not a definition of manoeuvrings – wrangling and manipulations to get what one wants. OK – so these political shenanigans are fine if you do it in the interests of the people – the people that hopefully elected you. But without doubt the best politicians are those that reluctantly take up the mantle because the previous careerists have served only themselves.

Look up the meaning of the word ‘politics’ and depending where you look you will see even the word suggests the vocation involves a certain level of slimy-ness by its nature – who would want to be one if that’s what it involves? Lot’s of people!

But what if you are a manipulator of the people that elected you? What if you are a political animal in the wrong way because you want to get to the top – a flip-flopper who will do and say whatever the masses want – be it in their interests or not – so long as it’s in your interest and you get to the top? That’s what you are clearly destined to do or the ‘gods’ wouldn’t have put you in this position right? Wrong.

If my people will repent and turn back to me I will heal their land,”  NOT – “if my politicians…”

The Bible is clear that God – the real one – we see over and over again stories where appoints good and bad people over nations and peoples according to THE PEOPLE’s attitude and behaviour towards Him. Contrary to popular idea the power lies not with clever politicians or even voters votes – but the state of the hearts and minds of the people. “If my people will repent and turn back to me I will heal their land,” God says NOT – “if my politicians…” or even “if my people turn out to vote…” The latter – according to the Bible will get a rebellious people, nation or politician nowhere. The power is in our hands – but ONLY if we turn to God.

Dear God – let us to be humble and repentant and place honest politicians over us

What is turning to God? It’s returning to the ten commandments – those 10 beautiful and simple laws that don’t save us – but keep us safe from the jaws of power-hungry politicians that will say and tickle our ears with anything to get elected – then do anything but what they said they would. You know why all wanna-be presidents and prime-minsters study law before they get to the top – so they know how to break it when they get there.

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