
The Power of ‘I Am’ (yeah right Joel!)

It sure is powerful if you want to manipulate people. If we all write books and tell everyone what they want to hear, you and I could indeed reap the ‘power of I Am’ to make ourselves filthy rich! In fact, Joel Osteen did just that (for the umpteenth time) in his new book asks his readers to repeat after him;

I am strong,
I am healthy,
I am confident,
I am secure,
I am focussed,
I am beautiful,
I am victorious,

I will add to that;

I am going to ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I am going to be like the most high
I, I, I, me, me, me…

Can you imagine the young men on the battle fields of the Somme in 1916 reciting this crap as they were about to be shot to pieces and die to thwart Hitler’s near successful attempt at taking over the world – so that you I could read and write daft books like this?!!

No. These young men had more sense and were probably praying real prayers and having to trust God for their eternal security and putting their lives in his hands, not chanting silly new-age name-it-and-claim-it nonsense to ensure they had a second Porche waiting for them in the garage when they made it home from the front line – as most of these faithful men in fact fell in the fields. Let’s get this straight; neither Joel or his bank manager believe this rubbish for 1 second – period. Actually – his bank manager probably does now he’s seen Joel’s book sales.

Struggling book sales in poorer regions

Apparently sales of Joel and Joyce’s books are not going great in the third world and poorer countries where they clearly are not repeating the wise words above enough times and because they are not ‘standing on the Word’ firmly enough.

Disclaimer: if you are reading this, please don’t miss my tongue firmly planted in cheek – you don’t think Christians would actually fall for the kind of stuff in these books do you?.. think again – Jesus told us that in the last days they would do exactly that in droves!

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