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The Mark of the Beast is God’s Judgement on All that will Reject God’s Governance

How so? This is how. The race towards tracking everything and anything that lives breaths or moves on the planet could not even be stopped by those that are creating this digital prison even if they wanted too. This is God’s judgement – that those that are creating that prison, having rejected God and Him sending them string delusion so they are now thinking they are doing something good – are going to become trapped by their own hands and subject to the monster they have worked so diligently to create.

Totally blinded to what they are actually part of and taking part in, they are going to end up on the sticky side of their own creation. And this, I believe is what the Bible means when it says that the book of Revelation contains a special blessing for all those that would study and understand and seek God’s explanation of its often encrypted prophecies.

There is one prophecy in Revelation that is not encrypted that most people know – but that most do not believe could have anything to do with what is happening, and yet is unfolding before our eyes with total and exact precision. I won’t tell you what verse that is, as this may encourage you to read Revelation for yourself. But it seems that there is a polarisation taking place – one of total ignorance and one of clear understanding as to what is happening right now regarding the soon coming mark that without, no one will be able to buy or sell, and so ultimately, live.

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