Thought for The Day

The Irony of Virtual Reality Technology

The idea of virtual reality is that we have created this amazing system whereby we can put a pair of glasses on our heads and experience a virtual synthesised (unreal) projected world around us. So what’s the irony?

Well to me, VR is clever in terms of human achievement and knowledge, and allows people to see things that they perhaps would not otherwise be able to see and experience (note; porn, theft (of the auto-grande kind), killing (combat games) and corruption will be the major driver of VR I’m afraid), but the irony is that we had VR thousands of years ago. Really? Yes. In fact, it was around in the time of Adam and Eve and we still use it today – all of us – our heads are reality helmets of the most ingenious kind, our eyes, brains, smell etc… that make these new man-made VR headsets look like kid’s play sets.

The human body, eyes and senses are truly the ultimate VR system – invented millennia ago

But this is not virtual I hear you say? Not so fast. What are scientists now telling us? (what Christians and the Bible have known for years); that the universe around us (‘us’ being our mind and our conscience) may not be ‘real’ as we know it – but projected – holographic. And this if true fits nicely with the biblical word view that conscience is transient and that the most real experience we have will be in the afterlife – and the world we know now – the ‘seen’ world, is fact according to the Bible temporal, not real in that sense – for want of a better expression – virtual.

The fact is – our universe and our bodies that perceive our surroundings, work by the processing massive amounts of mathematical data to create the experience we all have of life, love and reality. But it’s good, God given and He wants us to enjoy it, so long as it’s contained and experienced within a certain set of rules -physical and moral. In this God-given VR suit, I can choose to serve myself – or serve God by serving others – genius, and I guess if I’m honest it’s a mixture of both for me.

VR will bypass all the moral rules and physical limits God put in place – with His VR system (the human body) to protect us from our surroundings

And here we are, believing that we are the pinnacle of human ingenuity trying to create a half-baked unreal virtual version of the ‘virtual’ reality system God, in His incredible wisdom and power has already created – and moreover given us freely to use it in the form of a body – the ultimate VR headset – the human body to experience all the good things He has invented.

Go into all the world Jesus said

But no – we are not satisfied with God’s real experience (even if it does turn out to be holographic in nature it’s real enough for me) and like dodos are trying to create a virtual and virtue-less version of an already existing virtual world. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think that is a little ironic.

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