
Star Wars Christians

It seems today, that no matter how we try not to be influenced by new-age (or old age to be more accurate as these beliefs have been going since the garden of Eden) beliefs, we get tangled in its tentacles to more or less of a degree. Modern Christianity has largely embraced something more akin (no pun intended) to the ‘force’ – along side what is termed as ‘Christ-consciouness’ (I prefer to call this Christ-nonsesnseness) or the idea that you can ‘tap-in’ to the ‘god-force’ and use it to gain wealth, achieve your dreams and ‘be the person you were always meant to be’ – the I Am crowd.

Basically these ideas treat God like a gene who will appear and do his magic and answer your wishes just as long as you mutter the right words, use the right accent and wording when you utter His son’s name, or by using (using being the operative word) a myriad of other meditative, repetitive prayers.

So instead of doing what Christ said and meditating on the word (studying and contemplating it’s meanings and learning the texts) we have applied new-age meaning to the word ‘mediate’ and ended up with a whole new approach to Christianity along side the already existing dreadful plethora of TV prosperity teachers everywhere we look, making gain from God’s people by working on their carnal desires to be financially wealthy, illness free and comfortable and encouraging them to buy their self-help prosperity teachings, videos, books and attend their events where they teach Christians to use the ‘force’.

In Christ there is simplicity. Jesus told us clearly we are to pray simply; “Our father…” not attend ‘holy fire’ conferences and read books written by men and women that contain ideas on how we too can find out the secrets to really tapping into God’s power for ours and others gain – as if God would ever operate in this way – having been shown clearly by Christ how God really is and where His priorities lie – in serving – and serving others not self! As if anything relating to the God that does everything out in the open is a secret teaching that needs to be learned.

So I ask myself; am I a Star Wars Christian? I know I have been in the past when I was new to the faith and ignorant of the Bible, and more knowledgeable about modern teachers and preachers have to say, and I sometimes fall into the trap of trying to ‘use’ God to attain this or that instead of asking humbly for only what I need – which He knows ahead of time.

One thing I have learned is that we need to be careful what we ask God for as He is in the business of fulfilling the desires of our hearts – be they good or bad as we have seen throughout the Bible and I have seen to my detriment in my own life when I have almost demanded of God something that is not good for me and He has granted my wish. So now before I ask God for anything – I put it first before Him and give Him a chance to correct my often wrong headed desires. God bless you and I pray that you can learn to hear the small still voice more clearly every day.

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