
Like The Idea of A Single World Government? Think Again

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1999 19:02:55 Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott believes the United States may not exist in its current form in the 21st Century – because nationhood throughout the world will become obsolete! He said; “All states will recognize a single, global authority”

This idea goes way back before this statement, and it sounds great – the new and perfect solution to all the world’s problems. No famine, no war, no illegal drug trafficking, no money laundering, no corruption. Hang on a minute? If you are looking to eradicate corruption, the LAST thing any sensible person would do – with any knowledge of history or mankind’s propensity to become corrupt, the last thing you would do is create a single world governing system. Unless of course you were on that gravy train and promised all kinds of privileges and perks and status.

The trouble with world government is, is it’s not perfect and it’s not new. The idea goes all the way back to Babylon – specifically the tower of Babel and even before this, where man’s desire to become like God started way back in the garden. It’s worth considering that God himself does not like the idea of a single governing, all-powerful body at all. So much was His dislike that he confused all the world’s languages (the one thing that will enable a single world system) so that these evil power-hungry rulers could not complete what they set out to do.

God showed us His displeasure back then but He will let it happen – and the whole world will fall for it and see how the saying that under a man or men; absolute power corrupts absolutely – is absolutely true! It’s unavoidable. All men even at the ‘lowest’ level of society struggle with pride and power issues and world leaders are no different. If anything they are likely highly driven and highly power hungry and very good at disguising it.

So before you signup to the coming ‘Novus ordo seclorum’ (new secular or ‘world’ order – basically a God-less, socialist world order controlled by one entity) we see so proudly displayed on the back of the dollar bill for all to see (I mean what the Dickens is this doing on the back of a US dollar bill in the first place?!!) think again, you might get more than just a bang for your buck.

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