
It’s Not Right To Worship a Man

I’ll come clean and admit my article titles are designed to make you read on – but I don’t want to confuse like the tabloids do – saying one thing and then another. I want to make my readers question and think and study for themselves like Bereans. I may be wrong after all!

I do believe that men should not be worshipped, but read on to see my opinion about wether there might be an exception to this very sensible rule, clearly not adhered to in places like North Korea and the likes, where the worship of the political leaders is actually enforced, lest we think we would never do such a thing as worship a man.

We are told in The Bible that someone was rebuked for the idea of worshipping an angel – who let’s face it, by all accounts are more worthy than men in terms of their behaviour. And we also know that human beings have been created a little lower than the angels – probably referring to our physical attributes and nature. So how then can it ever be right to worship a man – unless of course that man is the Holy Spirit of God himself in-carnate – i.e in flesh!

Jesus – a spirit clothed in flesh just as we are, was a man, but he was also God. He was God, before he was a man. And in this sense he was fully God (Jesus Spirit was God’s spirit, God is spirit not flesh) and he was fully man – i.e this spirit had flesh and blood to cloth it as our spirit’s do.

There is, and can only be one God. By definition, to be God you must be omnipotent, and you cannot share omnipotence (infinite power) with anyone else, and it would never be right to give worship to a fallen human being – a man. However, there is one instance when it might be right to worship a man; if that man was once God, and that God (who The Bible tells us “is spirit” chose to become like us, to take on fallen flesh body to be tempted and suffer just as we do, as any God would have to do to gain the totally warranted and undecided respect of his creation.

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