
How To Solve All The World’s Problems in 10 Minutes (or less)

Of course it would never happen. But it’s worth us knowing what the extremely simple, falling-off-a-log solution to all the world’s problems – it’s ills, famines, wars, corruption, lying, cheating, stealing, thieving, divorce, hatred, disassociation, disaffection, conspiracies, falsehoods, even the spread of disease would be stopped over time – especially if you knew how to do it in ten minutes or as fast as you could get your hands on and everyone else’s on a single piece of paper which is not hard these days with the Internet (I will deal with the problem of stopping natural disasters – the only thing that my idea (which is not new) wouldn’t solve (or in fact it might actually solve it, but no ones’ tried it universally!) in another article.


So because we as the people of the world are the ones who do not want these ten commandments in our hearts and homes and minds (the laws and judges of the lands – even America are bending over forwards to keep them out of the courts, schools, homes and everywhere where they were once common place) this makes us – including me – all complicit in this crime to suppress the truth. The plain and incredibly simple truth that is the Ten Commandments. The commandments that were designed to give life and stop death, the commandments that are not a burden as in some man-made rule book with hundreds and thousands of laws – like the religious Holy Books – laws that no one is humanly capable of keeping.

They are EASY and LIGHT! (according to Jesus)

But the Ten Commandments is different. First there are only ten. Second, not a single one is hard to keep – Jesus said; my burden is easy – my yolk is light. They only become hard to keep when everyone is breaking them and encouraged and approved of doing so – they some f them DO become hard to keep – but then only some! So there you have it – how to solve all the world’s problems in ten minutes (or less) depending on how fast you can print the commands and hand them out.

I propose we forget Valentines Day, forget Christmas (we need to get Jesus out of that completely – he doesn’t belong in any pagan practices), forget Mother’s Day, forget Father’s Day, forget Independence Day, forget every single special holy-day (yes – that’s where the word comes from but they are hardly Holy these days are they?!) – forget everything – just give me ONE day a year where we celebrate something of far more importance – with the power to heal people and nations without summits, conferences, highly paid corrupt politicians – all that can go and we can save a fortune and give it to the poor – just give me NATIONAL TEN COMMANDMENTS CELEBRATION DAY! and I guarantee you the world will never be the same again. I hope you like my idea – if you do and you ARE in a position of ‘power’ – perhaps you would like to help me implement this life saving idea?

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