Difficult Issues

Gun ‘Free’ Zones Protect Only The Criminal!

Duh… someone with a brain tell me which campus killer is going to read a sign that says either; STOP THIS IS A GUN FREE ZONE” or the equally stupid sign; “No weapons allowed” is going to stop and think; “damn… now what am I going to do now?.. perhaps I should take my gun out of my bag and go home?”

Yea right… like ANY criminal with a gun is going to head a ‘gun free zone’. Oh and by the way – the most recent school shooting was carried out in a – yes you’ve guessed it – a gun free zone so that believe it or not the killer was not scared off when the security guard (recently disarmed) showed him his deadly badge!

We must get real – any killer who wants a gun – with a total gun ban or semi gun ban, will get one regardless of the law if he wants one. Like drugs there will always be people willing to sell you one illegal or not. Anyone intent on shooting anyone else will use one, regardless of a dumb ‘gun free zone’ sign or a gun restricting them! Duh what idiots do we have in governments?! Well – they are no idiots – they know exactly what they are doing.

Please note: before ALL 17 genocides that took place in the 20th century – ALL were proceeded by confiscation of guns – so if you want to stop americans from carrying guns to protect themselves – understand what may follow.

If The 2nd Amendment goes – they all go!

THIS is why americans were allowed to carry arms by the US constitution – or to be precise – ‘the right to bear arms will NOT be infringed’ – because the founding fathers were not weak-minded liberals but knowledgeable about wise when it came to human nature because they read their Bibles.

In other worlds if someone breaks into your home at 3am they are NOT there to sell you a vacuum cleaner! They are their to either kill steal or destroy and you should have the freedom to protect your family. Same with a campus shooter – NO legislation will stop these people.

Don’t let them confiscate common sense too

The ONLY thing that will be assured by confiscating guns is an increased deaths, as the ordinary man woman or security guard (as in this case) will no longer be able to protect the public and/or disable the shooter. So be warned what is really going on here as you listen to Barak and his buddies spouting nonsense about how ‘controlling guns’ it’s what’s needed to solve this problem – a problem that is clearly rooted in the upbringing of children and teaching of the 10 commandments and the lack thereof.

You cannot have a world government when half the population is armed.

Related questions: are gun free zones a good idea? Will gun free zones stop shootings or increase shootings?


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