Middle East

Did Sodom and Gomorrah Really Exist?

Did God really destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Moreover, did the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah as depicted in The Bible even exist at all? Well as Christians we know that the answer has to be yes – all things written in the Bible – even the unbelievable parts have a habit of coming true or being found out to be real events. Take the story of the single house in the wall described in the Bible in the wall of Jericho. It and hundreds of other unbelievable real historical artefacts have been found.

Some say America - the floored but once greatest nation on earth is now in danger of suffering the same fate!

Many Christians now say that America – the clearly imperfect but once most biblically based, most free and consequently greatest nation on earth (and the West at large) is now in danger of suffering the same fate as Sodom and Gomorrah having thrown God and His commandments out of home, school, business and society at large. Only time will tell.

The house being the only thing still standing in the crumbled wall – both being written of as myth by archaeologists only to be all found just as the Bible described later when a bit of out-of-the-box thinking was applied to their actual whereabouts.

So it seems according to a report that the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah have been found too. I heard a while back that balls of burnt sulphur have been found in a layer at one of these sites – and I’m not sure if this is the same site. Here’s the article for more information on this news.

yahoo.com – Sodom biblical city of sin found?

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