Last Days

Are ‘Progressives’ Really Progressive?

The term ‘progressive‘ wreaks of arrogance right off the bat. It assumes the person or party calling themselves progressive are actually progressive – i.e going forward for a start and not only that, that they are right – but worse, it assumes that anyone that disagrees with them are old-school, out of date or worse – re-gressive – i.e going backwards.

It would be genius if it didn’t then cut itself off at the knees by labelling itself as somehow ‘right’ and good simply by virtue of its name. The Bible clearly tells us that God is the same yesterday, today and forever – God is clearly not a progressive – he gets it right the first time.

‘Progressives’: Taking arrogance to a whole new level

The term ‘progressive’ was created and used by exactly the same kind of people that use the word ‘liberal’ giving the idea that anyone who is not liberal is man or stuck in their ways, or the best and most ingenious term of all was coined as; ‘phobic’. This really is the creme de la creme of a word weapon that requires no action on the part of the people that band the phrase about to demonise anyone that disagrees with them as wait for it – being phobic about an issue – in other words associating anything I don’t agree with as being an illness- genius – who wants to be associated with an illness!

God is the same yesterday and forever. What makes the progressive think he is better than God?

I know – of course the whole idea of God is regressive – even though no man on this planet an prove God’s non-existence, thus the Bible rightly calls atheists – those who say in their hearts “there is no God” ‘fools’ in no uncertain terms. Then of course progressive assumes that going forward is actually better and required, when it may well be that an old form of governance e.g The Ten Commandments might be far better (we all know they would be, and they would solve all the world’s problems in five minutes if they were adhered to by the population, and yet the Ten Commandments are deemed by progressives – as regressive – fools).

Forward does not necessarily mean right

I can drive my car forwards alright, but if the car is pointing south and I need to move north – what use is that? The progressive may be moving in a forward direction alright, but wether they are moving in the right direction is a totally different matter.

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