
Why You Should Never Let a Man Cook!

When my mother asked my father to heat up a microwave meal – you would have thought that was fairly simple task to carry out, but oh no..not for my dad! First he took the meal out of the microwave plastic tub and placed it on a plate – not bad idea – you don’t want all that heated plastic going into your food and body.

But then things went a bit belly up. Not only did the meal not go in the microwave, it went in a super-hot pre-heated oven. He did however remember to put the microwave anti-splash plastic lid over the top of the meal to avoid ruining the oven.

So when half an hour later it came out it was shrink-wrapped and looked more like some sort of cheese soufflé attempt. Unlike my mother he was quite tickled at this when he realised what he’d done. Needless to say he won’t be asked to cook any more!

shrink-wrapped microwave meal rendered in-edible!

Do-it-yourself plastic shrink-wrapped microwave meal rendered in-edible!

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